When it comes to dental emergencies, there can be a lot of confusion over what is considered an emergency and when you should seek professional help. A root canal is one such instance—it can be painful and uncomfortable, but is it an emergency situation that requires immediate attention? In this article, we'll break down all the important details to help you understand when a root canal is an emergency.
A root canal is an endodontic procedure used to treat infection or damage to the tissues surrounding your tooth. It involves removing the soft tissue inside your tooth as well as any damaged or diseased tissue, then cleaning and sealing the remaining area within the tooth.
In most cases, getting a root canal is not considered an urgent situation; however, if your symptoms are severe and causing discomfort or pain then it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible in order to prevent further damage from occurring.
Here are some of the signs that you may need to get a root canal in McFarland as soon as possible:
If left untreated, an infected tooth can lead to more serious complications like abscesses or even systemic infections throughout your body. These infections can cause permanent damage if not treated promptly by qualified medical personnel. It’s important to note that ignoring dental issues can also cause additional problems down the line because they tend to worsen over time without treatment.
At Lakeview Modern Dentistry, we believe that every patient deserves quality care and attention. Our team of experienced dentists offer comprehensive services such as preventive care, gum treatments, cosmetic procedures, implant placement, crowns & bridges, and much more – all under one roof!
And because we understand that dealing with an infected tooth can be stressful and uncomfortable, we make sure to provide gentle yet effective care while ensuring optimal comfort during each visit. Plus, our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with advanced technologies such as digital x-rays which allow us to accurately diagnose issues quickly and accurately – giving patients peace of mind knowing that their treatment plan is tailored specifically for them!
Don’t delay - contact us today for more information about how we can help make sure you get back on track quickly!